Feizi's Word Blog

While I try to make the most out of what I have, I feel the urge to expand my vocabulary. This is a gathering of words I pick up here and there everyday. I am aware that some of the words are terribly simple for most people. But since my vocabulary is embarrassingly small, these words are acutally new to me. The definitions are from www.dictionary.com.

Location: LA, California, United States

I used to want to ruin my eyes so I can wear glasses to look smart. Now I am an Asian girl in California with a Chinese accent. People automatically assume I am smart, which is pretty cool.

Friday, February 10, 2006

Perspiration (pûrsp-rshn)
  1. The fluid, consisting of water with small amounts of urea and salts, that is excreted through the pores of the skin by the sweat glands; sweat.
  2. The act or process of perspiring.
intr.v. pal·pi·tat·ed, pal·pi·tat·ing, pal·pi·tates
  1. To move with a slight tremulous motion; tremble, shake, or quiver.
  2. To beat with excessive rapidity; throb.

Feign (fn)
v. feigned, feign·ing, feigns
v. tr.
    1. To give a false appearance of: feign sleep.
    2. To represent falsely; pretend to: feign authorship of a novel.
  1. To imitate so as to deceive: feign another's voice.
  2. To fabricate: feigned an excuse.
  3. Archaic. To invent or imagine.
v. intr.
To pretend; dissemble.


Blogger y0402 said...

Have you heard of Simon Winchester? He's one of my favorite authors. He wrote a book called, the Professor and the Madman. It's based on an American doctor with schizophrenia (kinda like John Nash) and his contributions to the English Oxford Dictionary.

12:30 AM  

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